Apache Rewriterule Http To Https

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  1. Rewriterule Htaccess Apache
  2. Apache Rewriterule Http To Https
  3. Apache Redirection Http Vers Https

Managed hosting provider if you’re not yet on HTTPS, the browser is going to through a “Not Secure” warning on your website. For compliance purposes, you need to have an SSL-encrypted connection. Once, you have installed SSL, it is crucial to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.

What is HTTP to HTTPS Redirect?

Force Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache – Many of sites required to always running with SSL only. And we need to ensure that every user must access the website through SSL. If any user tried to access the website with non-ssl URL, He must be a redirect to SSL website. The cool thing about this method of using an environment variable to store whether or not the request is HTTP or HTTPS is that the value of the variable can be 'http' or 'https' which allows the same type of dynamic robustness that modrewrite's RewriteRule directive allows with normal environment variables.

Earlier, the most common redirect concern was to properly redirect the www version of the site to the non-www site, or vice-versa. However, with the introduction of SSL certificates, HTTP to HTTPS redirect has taken over.

For example, consider the Webscoot.io website. Our canonical address is https://webscoot.io. However, a user can connect to our website in 4 ways:

In this article, we’ll see how to redirect HTTP to HTTPS connection with www:

1. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache

Before we get to redirecting HTTP to HTTPS using .htaccess file, here’s how you can edit the .htaccess file:


How to edit a .htaccess file:

To force your traffic to HTTPS, edit the codes in the .htacess file. If you already know this step, you can move to the redirection part.
There are instructions in the .htaccess file that describe the server how to perform in certain scenarios. This affects how your website functions.

The most common instructions are:
1. Rewriting URLs
2. Redirects

3 Ways to edit a .htaccess file:

Apache force redirect to httpsApache Rewriterule Http To HttpsHttps
  • Edit the file on your PC and upload it to the server via FTP.
  • Use “Edit” mode in FTP program allows you to edit a file remotely.
  • Use SSH and a text editor to edit files.

1.1. Redirecting all web traffic

To redirect all traffic to HTTPS, add the following to the existing code:

1.2. Redirecting a specific domain

To redirect a specific site to use HTTPS:

Rewriterule Htaccess Apache

1.3. Redirecting specific folder

To redirect HTTP to HTTPS on a specific folder, add the following code:

1.4. Force redirect to 301

To force traffic to HTTPS, use the following code:

1. Replace “webscoot” with your domain name wherever required.
2. Replace /folder with the actual folder name.

Apache Rewriterule Http To Https

2. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Nginx

Nginx is the fastest growing web server. We use Nginx in our server stacks for optimized performances.

Apache Redirection Http Vers Https

2.1. Redirect all traffic to HTTPS

2.2. Redirect specific sites to HTTPS


Almost all websites are on HTTPS now. Share this article to bring the rest of the websites on an encrypted connection. If your web host is not taking care of your website security, move to a Managed hosting provider to keep your website security bulletproof.

Sakshi takes care of everything related to Marketing at Webscoot.io. She has knowledge about Magento, WordPress, and Dogs.

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