Dbeaver Debug Postgresql Function

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  1. Dbeaver Debug Postgresql Function Example
  2. Dbeaver Debug Postgresql Function List

Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Movies Still Matter, and so does the Academy Awards; 2021 Oscars Guide: Everything you need to know. I think this is a DBeaver UI/Configuration question, but I cannot see where the messages are when executing a script (Alt-X). In PGAdminIII, I would execute a script and see the NOTICE output:. In DBeaver, the same script does not output in 'Statistics' tab.

The debugger may be used to debug PL/pgSQL functions in PostgreSQL, as well asEDB-SPL functions, stored procedures and packages in EDB Postgres AdvancedServer. The Debugger is available as an extension for your PostgreSQLinstallation, and is distributed as part of Advanced Server. You must havesuperuser privileges to use the debugger.

Before using the debugger, you must modify the postgresql.conf file, addingthe server-side debugger components to the the value of theshared_preload_libraries parameter, for example:

shared_preload_libraries = ‘$libdir/plugin_debugger’

After modifying the shared_preload_libraries parameter, restart the server toapply the changes.

The debugger may be used for either in-context debugging or direct debugging ofa target function or procedure. When you use the debugger for in-contextdebugging, you set a breakpoint at the first line of a program; when a sessioninvokes the target, control is transferred to the debugger. When using directdebugging, the debugger prompts you for any parameters required by the target,and then allows you to step through the code.

Dbeaver Debug Postgresql Function

In-context Debugging¶

To set a breakpoint at the first line of a program, right-click the name of theobject you would like to debug, and select Set breakpoint from the Debuggingsub-menu. The debugger window will open, waiting for another session to invokethe program.

When another session invokes the target, the debugger will display the code,allowing you to add break points, or step through line-by-line. The othersession is suspended until the debugging completes; then control is returnedto the session.

Direct Debugging¶

To use the debugger for direct debugging, right click on the name of the objectthat you wish to debug in the pgAdmin tree control and select Debug from theDebugging sub-menu. The debugger window will open, prompting you for anyvalues required by the program:

Use the fields on the Debugger dialog to provide a value for each parameter:

  • The Name field contains the formal parameter name.

  • The Type field contains the parameter data type.

  • Check the Null? checkbox to indicate that the parameter is a NULL value.

  • Check the Expression? checkbox if the Value field contains an expression.

  • Use the Value field to provide the parameter value that will be passed tothe program. When entering parameter values, type the value into theappropriate cell on the grid, or, leave the cell empty to represent NULL,enter ‘’ (two single quotes) to represent an empty string, or to enter aliteral string consisting of just two single quotes, enter '. PostgreSQL8.4 and above supports variadic function parameters. These may be entered asa comma-delimited list of values, quoted and/or cast as required.

  • Check the Use default? checkbox to indicate that the program should usethe value in the Default Value field.

  • The Default Value field contains the default value of the parameter.

Dbeaver Debug Postgresql Function

Provide values required by the program, and click the Debug button to startstepping through the program.The values of the arguments provided here are saved. The values will be pre-fillednext time the dialog opens. To clear the values, use the Clear All button.

Using the Debugger¶

The main debugger window consists of two panels and a context-sensitive toolbar.Use toolbar icons to manage breakpoints and step into or through code; hoverover an icon for a tooltip that identifies the option associated with the icon.The toolbar options are:



Step into

Click the Step into icon to execute the currently highlighted line of code.

Step over

Click the Step over icon to execute a line of code, stepping over any sub-functions invoked by the code.The sub-function executes, but is not debugged unless it contains a breakpoint.


Click the Continue/Start icon to execute the highlighted code, and continue until the programencounters a breakpoint or completes.

Toggle breakpoint

Use the Toggle breakpoint icon to enable or disable a breakpoint (without removing the breakpoint).

Clear all breakpoints

Click the Clear all breakpoints icon to remove all breakpoints from the program.


Click the Stop icon to halt the execution of a program.

Dbeaver Debug Postgresql Function Example

The top panel of the debugger window displays the program body; click in thegrey margin next to a line number to add a breakpoint. The highlighted line inthe top panel is the line that is about to execute.

The lower panel of the debugger window provides a set of tabs that allow you toreview information about the program:

  • The Parameters tab displays the value of each parameter.

  • The Local variables tab displays the current value of the program variables.

  • The Messages tab displays any messages returned by the server (errors,warnings and informational messages).

  • The Results tab displays the server message when the program completes.

  • The Stack tab displays the list of functions that have been invoked, butwhich have not yet completed.

Dbeaver Debug Postgresql Function List

As you step through a program, the Local variables tab displays the currentvalue of each variable:

When you step into a subroutine, the Stack tab displays the call stack,including the name of each caller, the parameter values for each caller (ifany), and the line number within each caller:

Select a caller to change focus to that stack frame and display the state ofthe caller in the upper panel.

When the program completes, the Results tab displays the message returned bythe server. If the program encounters an error, the Messages tab displaysdetails:

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