Citrix Html5 Client

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I'm configuring NetScaler Gateway to support with Citrix Receiver and HTML5 (no receiver). For Citrix Workspace to connect thru NetScaler Gateway that's normal. How can I configure add function to support HTML5. I have done to follow create HTTP profile to enable WebSocket but when I tested to connect NetScaler Gate with Client Device as not. By default, Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 starts desktops and applications in a new browser tab. However, when users start resources from shortcuts using Citrix Workspace app for HTML5, the desktop or application replaces the Citrix Receiver for Web site in the existing browser tab rather than appearing in a new tab.

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Straightforward, low maintenance, and supported on all devices running a Browser, that were and still are some of the main “selling points” with regards to HTML5 based VDI/RDSH clients. Simple? Sure, but not without challenges. Let’s have a closer look and see what comes up.

No matterthe device you are on… a Mac, Windows machine, Thin Client, a Chromebookperhaps, if it has a browser you are good to go. An URL is all you need, therest is built directly into the browser.

When yourworkspace solution of choice offers support for HTML5 client access (withoutneeding to install and update client software, or setting up a VPN, forexample) even the most novice user will be able to work from home without tomuch hassle. Today, that’s worth something, right?

Advantagesvs drawbacks

While wecould focus on some of the drawbacks and potential challenges, let’s talk a bitabout what we can do instead of what we cannot do, using the right solutionthat is.

As some of you might know, a while back I got introduced to Awingu, I’ve written about them previously here and here (links to As of their 4.3 release some interesting HTML5 based features saw the light of day. And even though there is a tight interaction with the underlying operating system, everything you do and see is still a 100% browser based.

Awingu runson in-house developed RDP to HTML5 technology, as they like to call it.


The newOperating System


For yearsis has been said that the web browser will become the new OS, especially with somany SaaS solutions on the rise. This, combined with the ability to aggregateall other sorts of applications (Web, Mobile, Windows), data, and desktop froma single pane of (web based) glass makes a killer combination. For this to workproperly (of course not all use-cases are supported) you need to be able to offer(at least) some the most used features asked for by the “average” user.



Take multimonitor support, for example. This has always been challenge. And not just forHTML5 based clients. The newly introduced Awingu Display Manager enables you toadd multiple screens (with a maximum of 16, the RDP limit) and various ways totake care of how applications and other windows will be displayed. This appliesto streamed applications and/or virtual shared desktop sessions. Alternatively,different applications can each be opened in a new, separate browser tab, needstuff.

Be smart

They’vealso managed to build in support for smartcards. By the use of their in-housedeveloped Awingu Remote Application Helper Awingu provides Smartcard support througha standard HTML5 session on any browser. And you know those system traynotifications? They’ve got those as well, sort of. You can get a notificationwhen something happens in a tabbed-out application session.

Awingu runson in-house developed code. The Awingu HTML5 gateway connects with RDPplatforms in the back-end (e.g. RemoteApp, Remote Desktop, VDI) and providesend users with secure (SSL) and high-performance access through HTML5 technology.


Ifmulti-monitor support is a hassle, what about printing? Awingu offers choicebetween using your own office based network printers, or the Awingu virtualprinter – no print drivers needed. I’ve heard that there is more print-goodnesson the way.


As mentionedpreviously many think that working from a browser (exclusively) will have a bigfuture. As a result there are multiple competitors playing the field as well, alllooking for their piece of the pie. Due to the advancements in HTML5 technologydevelopers are now capable to create full-blown web applications that would nothave been possible with earlier versions of HTML.

What do youthink? Do you have any, good or bad real-world experiences?

To summarize

  • Smartcard support – check
  • Multi-monitor support – check
  • Secure by default – check
  • No client installation needed –check
  • Application notifications – check
  • All browsers and machine types supported– check
  • All your applications, data anddesktops from a single web-based interface – check
  • Secure SSL connections and no datastored on your local machines – check
  • Ability to brand your workspace –check
  • Printing directly from your browserusing network printers – check
  • Direct integration with a moderndevice management solution (MDM) – check
  • MFA built-in by default: The numberof people using MFA with Awingu, because of this, is way higher than, forexample, Office 365.


Citrix Html5 Client Download

Since your endpoint only needs a browser this helps with BYOD adoption, which is still a big challenge for most companies. I mean, we have been discussing it for years, but from where I’m standing only few got it right, from a company perspective I mean. Often they lack not one, but two things… For one, a decent company policy is often nowhere to be found, and secondly, a solid (modern) management solution.

Earlier I wrote about Awingu and BlackBerry (BB) joining forces, where BB adopted the Awingu stack into their “BlackBerry Access” offering, named: The BlackBerry Digital Workplace. You might have read about it in the news, if not, go here to find out more, it includes the official press-release as well.

ZeroTrust, the new normal

Users are never actually “on” the network, and there is no need for a VPN. By using the power of the virtualized infrastructure combined with browser isolation the entire workspace of the user is “pushed” to them within a virtual connection.

End-userslogin via the browser of their BYOD (or managed) device. They get access topublished applications, desktops and files remotely, in HTML5. No data sitslocally. Even if the device is compromised, there is no direct access to yourcompany assets.

There is no“pipe” that can be used by malicious hackers, all sessions are encrypted, andMFA is a default built-in offer for all customers. The user is alsocontinuously authenticated as they operate in that secure remote session andthe system is integrated with a Single Sign-On (SSO) capability to make loginand ease-of-use readily available.

If it fits your business case, and I can think of multiple, they offer a complete package.

Well that’sabout it for now. I know they are working on more cool stuff as we speak soI’ll keep you guys updated if I find out anything new.

Thanks forreading.

Bas van Kaam
Field CTO EMEA by day, community by night @ Nerdio

Citrix Html5 Client Windows 10

Father of three, IT professional, freelance/independent blogger/analyst, Co-author of the book Project Byte-Sized and author of the book: Inside Citrix – The FlexCast Management Architecture, over 400 blog posts and multiple (ultimate) cheat sheets/e-books. Public speaker, sport enthusiast­­­­­­­­: above-average runner (look me up on Strava) 3 x burpee-mile finisher and a former semiprofessional snooker player. IT community participant.

A list containing the majority of Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 (formerly Receiver for HTML5) support articles collated to make this page a one stop place for you to search for and find information regarding any issues you have with the product and its related dependencies.

The page is updated daily with new support articles and information. Articles will change from time and if information here is outdated or incorrect please let me know using the comments. Links may also expire or change so if you find broken links, please again let me know. For each issue, known product versions affected are recorded however that does not mean product versions that aren’t listed are not affected.

There is a search box that you can use if looking for a specific fault. For example if you have an error code or error message, use that to perform a search. You can also use your browsers search feature which will perform a search against the whole page based on the words you enter.

Receiver for HTML5 / Workspace app for HTML5:

wdt_IDBrief Description of IssueBrief Description of FixApplicable Product Versions Affected (if known)Link to supplemental Support Article(s)
1When launching a desktop or application using Firefox v54 or later you receive a black screen on launch.Disable 'webgl' in Firefox or else disable 'webgl' using the 'configuration.js' file found on StoreFront.Firefox 54.
2Internet Explorer and Firefox can print to the Citrix PDF Printer fine however Chrome v57 prints a blank document.Upgrade to Receiver for HTML5 2.4.Receiver for HTML5 2.4 and Chrome 57.
3Session connections are being dropped without any error.This is a known issue and is caused by the 'Maximum allowed color depth' policy setting. For Windows Server 2008 R2 VDAs set this setting to '16 Bits Per Pixel' and for Windows Server 2012 R2/2016 set this setting to '32 Bits Per Pixel'.
4Director shows IPs of for Receiver for HTML5 connections.This is a known issue.
5Some keyboard combinations do not work through Receiver for HTML5.This is a known issue, avoid using these combinations.
6You can only start one instance of an application.Use Chrome or Firefox. This is currently a limitation with IE and Safari browsers.Internet Explorer and Safari.
7After upgrading to NetScaler 12 and with AppFlow (HDX Insight) enabled, HTML5 sessions fail to launch with error 'General error. To resolve this issue, please report this to your help desk: 250'.Upgrade to Receiver for HTML5 2.5.Citrix Receiver for HTML5 2.3.
8Special keys like Shift, Alt and Tab do not work when using RDP via Reciever for HTML5, resulting in issues typing symbols such as & which required SHIFT.This isn't an issue with Citrix as such, and there are two workarounds currently available which are explained in the CTX article.
9The 'Change Citrix Receiver' item in Receiver for HTML5 on Firefox and Internet Explorer is missing.Some browsers cannot detect the Citrix Receiver plugin or the plugin is corrupted. Follow steps listed in the CTX article to edit the 'ctxs.cor_min.js' file on StoreFront.
10Temporary CALs are assigned when clients connect via Receiver for HTML5.This is normal behaviour. When a session is started from Receiver for HTML5, a temporary CAL is randomly auto-generated which will look like 'HTML-xxxx-xxxx'. This will not affect the number of Device CALs used.

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